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Flowchart: Alternate Process:

International Journal of Latest Research in  Engineering and Computing

International Journal of Latest Research in  Engineering and Computing

Flowchart: Alternate Process: Text Box: Authors are invited to submit manuscript reporting original research  for the current Issue. Submitted manuscript must be in technical English.

Text Box: International Journal of Latest Research in   Engineering  and  Computing  is an open access journal that is currently accepting manuscripts for publication . Author’s Can submit their manuscript  at  Email  submission @ijlrec.com or editor@ijlrec.com

Text Box: IJLREC is the official Journal of  Ancient Scientific Research Publication. IJLREC is an online open access journal that provides rapid publication  of articles in all areas of the subject such as: Electronics, civil, mechanical, chemical, electronic and computer engineering as well as  other relevant fields of Engineering.

Call for Paper

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Email -editor.ijlrec@gmail.com



Call for Reviewer/Editor

Text Box: IJLREC welcomes competent academicians to join us as a member of review board

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Join as Editorial Board Member


   We are seeking professionals to join our Editorial Board. If you are interested in becoming the editorial board member, please fill out the  registration form and sent to us at editor.ijlrec@gmail.com


Responsibilities of Editorial Board Members


    We need our Editorial Board Members and Reviewers to be key figures in their professions to have some experience of publishing articles and papers. A reviewer's comment decides the acceptance or rejection of an article so they play an important role in peer review process. All the members are requested to test out the manuscripts submitted to them without any bias to increase the quality of our Journal. There is no hard and fast rule to analyze a manuscript and it depends upon the worthiness, quality and originality. While verifying the manuscript you have to go through following points:


· Detailed examination and relevance of the manuscript as per author Guidelines

· Careful examination of purpose and objectives of the work carried out.

· Correctness of the conclusions and recommendations along with up-to date References.

· Copy editing and proof reading of the manuscripts in accordance with publishing standards especially with grammar, punctuation and spelling.

· Coverage areas of the manuscript in relevance with the scope of Journal. Plagiarism related issues if any.

· You have to give at least (minimum) three suggestions based on the Structure of the manuscript. In general there is no limit for the maximum inputs.

· You have complete authority to accept or reject manuscripts but final decision in case of sensitive titles about the inclusion or exclusion from the publications remains in the hands of Editor-In-Chief.


Following are the benefits to Editorial Board Members


Being on the editorial board of a Journal is truly productive, pleasant and in fact prestigious which helps in add-on to the scientific world through the ways and guidelines given by experts in the relevant fields. Though, it is time consuming and often goes unobserved, there are some important rewards that make the editorial advisors worthwhile. You will be entitled following


benefits while being with us as an Editorial Board Member of a Journal.


You are to read carefully various manuscripts in your area of importance and interest. This is the way you are routinely forced to keep yourself up-to-date while checking and suggesting the changes in manuscript.

This work helps to add in and provides a better way to create your identity as a well known expert in your field and may lead to increased invitations to speak at conferences or demand for invited research of your specialized area.

You will be among the contributors who will shape and decide the urgent ways as required with changing societal needs.

 You will come across the latest research before everyone else and gives you a position of leadership in your research community.

 Research articles provided by the members will be published with concession.


Become a Reviewer


 Manuscript reviewers are vital to the publication process, and as a reviewer you will gain valuable experience in scientific publishing. We invite you to become a reviewer of our journals.


Some benefits of being a peer reviewer:


Being a peer reviewer opens doors to incredible opportunities. Peer review services will enhance your knowledge of professional standards; and quickly earn the respect of your peers.

The other potential benefit of being a peer reviewer is that you will be preferred considered to be an editorial board member.

Once published in one of our journals, there is a possibility of being asked to become a reviewer of that journal.


    In order to provide a good review, a thoughtful and well-balanced report with suggested improvements for our authors, Reviewers must be prepared to invest the necessary time to evaluate the manuscript thoroughly.


    If you are interested in reviewing for our journals manuscript please fill the registration form  and sent us along with  your updated  CV to us at  editor.ijlrec@gmail.com


Download  (Registration Form )




Text Box: Text Box: Copyright © International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering  and Computing

ISSN : 2347-6540

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Impact Factor :1.81

We invite you to contribute your valuable research to our journal. 'Our journal is UGC approved.' Publishing your work with us provides a platform to share your discoveries and insights with a global audience of peers, academics, and professionals. Whether you are a seasoned researcher or just starting your academic journey, we welcome submissions from all fields of study.

UGC Approved , Nominal Publication Charge, Peer reviewed Journal , Impact Factor 1.81 Click Here
Text Box: Call for Papers

By publishing with us, you can:

Reach a diverse and international readership.

Receive constructive feedback from experts in your field.

Increase the visibility and impact of your research.

Contribute to the advancement of knowledge in your area of expertise.



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