Text Box: Flowchart: Alternate Process:


Flowchart: Alternate Process:

International Journal of Latest Research in  Engineering and Computing

International Journal of Latest Research in  Engineering and Computing

Flowchart: Alternate Process: Text Box: Authors are invited to submit manuscript reporting original research  for the current Issue. Submitted manuscript must be in technical English.

Text Box: International Journal of Latest Research in   Engineering  and  Computing  is an open access journal that is currently accepting manuscripts for publication . Author’s Can submit their manuscript  at  Email  submission @ijlrec.com or editor@ijlrec.com

Text Box: IJLREC is the official Journal of  Ancient Scientific Research Publication. IJLREC is an online open access journal that provides rapid publication  of articles in all areas of the subject such as: Electronics, civil, mechanical, chemical, electronic and computer engineering as well as  other relevant fields of Engineering.

Call for Paper

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Rectangle: Rounded Corners: Peer Review Process

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Email -editor.ijlrec@gmail.com



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Text Box: IJLREC welcomes competent academicians to join us as a member of review board

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           We at  IJLREC understand the importance of peer review process in upholding quality of scholarly publications. Once manuscript is received (online) from  different authors it passes from following stages .

























Text Box: Text Box: Copyright © International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering  and Computing

ISSN : 2347-6540

Text Box: Text Box:

Impact Factor :1.81

We invite you to contribute your valuable research to our journal. 'Our journal is UGC approved.' Publishing your work with us provides a platform to share your discoveries and insights with a global audience of peers, academics, and professionals. Whether you are a seasoned researcher or just starting your academic journey, we welcome submissions from all fields of study.

UGC Approved , Nominal Publication Charge, Peer reviewed Journal , Impact Factor 1.81 Click Here
Text Box: Call for Papers

By publishing with us, you can:

Reach a diverse and international readership.

Receive constructive feedback from experts in your field.

Increase the visibility and impact of your research.

Contribute to the advancement of knowledge in your area of expertise.



Scope of  journal


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The  Manuscript  received is first handled by IJLREC journal management team .During this stage manuscript is checked for plagiarism and grammatical errors. Use of different high quality reliable software's to detect plagiarized content and grammatical errors in manuscript .


After successful passing this step, manuscript assigns with unique code and decision regarding primary acceptance is communicated to corresponding author. Coded manuscript then forwarded for blindfolded review process.


Primarily accepted manuscript then forwarded for reviewers evaluation (three reviewers). Reviewers are selected by IJLREC journal management team on given parameters. All three reviewers are provided with template of reviewers report to facilitate structured review format. Reviewers need to submit their evaluation report within 10 working days.


Evaluation report received by any two reviewers (first come basis) then analysed by  Editor In chief  for  publishing it in upcoming issue.


 Further if any abnormalities have been found in the manuscript , author will ask for making the changes and resubmit the manuscript.


Corrected manuscript then handled by journal editorial team for possible copyediting. Copyright form, ethical clearance letter.


Authors are then communicated about the publication of corrected manuscript in

upcoming issue of IJLREC .


 This process may take few days depending upon reviewers’ response on         manuscript evaluation. Process ensures that identity of reviewers is kept               confidential and cannot be revealed to authors.



On the basis of review report received , An acceptance letter is sent to the Author and ask for the copyright form and article processing charge